Sunday, July 8, 2012

                                             This is me!   I'm always taking pictures.  It's summer but I wish spring would come soon because I play fast-pitch softball in the spring. I was the first basemen I enjoyed it, I got to pitch a couple times, i,m still learning. Little bro ISAAC is playing t-ball.They are so cute trying to play at ages 5-6. I love to watch them!!! The coaches don't even tell them who won or lost.  I'll put on some pics of our jerseys on soon. :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thats a beautiful pic!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

SUMMER is FULL of BEAUTIFUL things!!!:)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4 of July!!!!!!!!!!!!
     Hope u all had a great holiday yesterday. I'm so happy to live in America!:)  We all need to thank God that we can live in a place where we can have freedom. If I talk to someone about Jesus I'm not persecuted.           I haven't been blogging lately I'll try to be on more now:)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


This is me in my basketball outfit!!! I love our shirts,HAIR ASSOCIATES was my sponsor. You wont believe it . it was my first year of playing basketball and we were UNDEFEATED and we were the champs because we won the tournament.I played on the 11-12 team.

Here is Isaac on the 5-6 team   the name of his team was the SCREAMING EAGLES.It was hilarious watching the little kids try to play it turned in to wrestling matches.Did u notice we were both #5.